April 02, 2014–Walking Together makes us All Stronger

Day 23: Acts 15:22-40

“Judas and Silas, who themselves were prophets, said much to encourage and strengthen the believers.” (v. 32)

Darren, Ron & JeevaThis to me is a very interesting passage of scripture.  The leaders of the early church had formed a council to deal with some issues that had arisen among the believers regarding following the law and liberty.   In order for them to walk in unity they came together to discuss this issue and together they formed an answer to the theological debate.

But what I was drawn to more than this was the way the council sent the prophets with the apostles to represent their voice to those whom Paul and Barnabas were to encounter.  On their own Paul and Barnabas had only so much authority, but with these two brothers from the council in Jerusalem their authority was increased.

To me this is a great example of how Apostolic ministry works within the church.  The Apostles and Prophets walk together.  There is no hierarchy in their midst.  They are walking together in order to increase the effectiveness of the message that they carry together.

When I work with other Apostles and Prophets together we carry greater authority.  Our message becomes stronger because we walk together.  When I take the hand of a prophet or apostle and bring them into my circle of influence, their message becomes stronger in our midst because I am putting my seal upon their message.  In this way their message is linked with my authority in that setting and they can release what God has given them with greater authority as a result.

The same is true when I walk into another region and am released by a prophet/apostle to speak in their region.  Their seal upon me becomes my foundation for being able to minister in that place or region.  My authority is linked to their authority and as a result the impact on the region is much greater.

It is not that one is stronger than the other, although there is no question that some prophets and apostles are more mature than others.  We must understand that we are walking in concentric circles with our friends in ministry for a divine impartation of glory in those regions.  Their circles are my circles and my circles are their circles.  Where their work begins and mine ends should be blurry at best.  We are inviting them to walk among us in order for the church to be equipped and strengthened in that region.

One ministry is not more important than the other, but both together are stronger because they are together.  Judas and Silas in this passage walk into Antioch where they are only known by reputation, but because they are with Paul and Barnabas, their ability to strengthen the believers is greater because now they are walking in relationship with each other.   It is not hierarchy because Paul and Barnabas needed Judas and Silas in another region to open the way for them.

I need to walk with my Paul’s and Barnabas’ and with my Judas’ and Silas’ because as we do so we see more authority and lasting fruit for the Kingdom.

I pray that all competition between you and your colleagues in ministry will cease and a true revelation of apostolic ministry will take its place.  I pray that you will be released in greater measure to do the work of ministry as you come into agreement with God’s will for your life.