April 18, 2014–What He promises, He delivers

Day 39: Acts 27:1 – 44

Ron and Nancy MillsIt is God’s desire that we would be so confident (trusting) in what He says to us that we would not fear speaking it out for others to hear. Consequently we would soon discover that the word of the Lord is not only true, but it brings credibility to the one who consistently declares it.

Today we read about the infamous shipwreck that Paul had the awesome privilege of being a part of! In Acts 27:10, Paul warns the crew that ship, cargo, and lives will be lost if they proceed on their journey.  However, the sea faring men trusted their own judgment rather than Paul’s, so off they sailed. Shortly after, they become engulfed in a Northeaster, a gale that blows viciously against them for two weeks in which they are powerless to manoeuver their ship.

Paul then comes to bring the good news that although they will still lose the ship and its cargo, God will mercifully save all the lives for Paul’s sake. This message had been delivered to Paul in the night by an angel, who confirmed God’s previous word to Paul (Acts 23:11) that he was to witness for the Lord in Rome. A little clarification was added that Paul would stand before the Emperor himself. Paul’s declaration is wonderful in Acts 27:25: “Cheer up! I am sure that God will do exactly as He promised.” Ultimately, that is what happened!

My friend, this is the pivotal issue for our lives. Will God do what He has said He will do? This issue needs to be settled in our own hearts if we are to be effective in expanding the Kingdom of God! The question is not: “Is God trustworthy?” The question is “Do we believe God is trustworthy?”

All our research will report that God is faithful! His word is true. Rom 3:4 says that though every man could be proved a liar, God is still true, and His word will stand up in the time of judgment.

2 Corinthians 2:19, 20 tells us that in Christ, God’s promises to us are not “yes, or no!” but they are “yes and amen!” His promises to you are sure. They are not just for someone else, they are for you. The things He has declared in His word are for us to apprehend, to possess by faith. His personal promises to you individually are just as sure. He stands by what He says. If He said it, you can, and should, believe it!

Numbers 23:19: God is not a man that he should lie; neither the son of man that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? Or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?

1 Samuel 15:29: And also the Strength of Israel will not lie nor repent: for he is not a man, that he should repent.

I can remember times when the Lord spoke to Nancy and myself about situations and gave us a promise. It didn’t look possible, or even make sense from our perspective. But we discovered that as we trusted what God had said and made our decisions based on that, instead of what made sense to us, then it worked out just the way He said it would.

This applies to every kind of situation in life you may face, not just “spiritual” things.

The crucial factor upon which everything hinges is within our power. We must choose to believe God. Can you do this?