April 06, 2014–Finding Opportunities

Day 27: Acts 17:16-34

Ron and Nancy MillsIn verse 16, we find Paul being stirred in his spirit due to the idolatry he witnesses in Athens. One characteristic of a true disciple of Christ is that they are concerned about the world they live in. It is not acceptable to be satisfied with the status quo! The world around us is desperately lost – whether they know it or not. It is our responsibility to help, if we possibly can.

This is the spot Paul is in as he views the city life around him. The next verse begins with: “Therefore.” This tells us that as a result of his concerns Paul positioned himself in strategic locations to begin “discussions” with those who may be interested, in order to address those concerns.

Paul did not shake his head and walk away! His concern activated a response to see if he could make a difference. Ultimately, people came by who became curious as to what Paul had to share and a great window of opportunity was opened to him to reach many in the city. Not everyone who heard Paul agreed with him, or accepted his message – BUT SOME DID!

Now all this happened while Paul was “waiting” for Timothy and Silas to arrive in Athens!

I have often heard people say that they are waiting for opportunity to show up that enables them to make a difference. I’m reminded of the Thomas Jefferson quote: “I’m a great believer in luck, and I find that the harder I work, the more I have of it.”

Opportunities do come upon us unexpectedly at times. But more often than not they are made or opened up when we are looking for them. This is how Paul’s opportunity arose! To him, Athens looked like a city completely taken over by idolatry, and Paul noticed a statue having an inscription “To the unknown God”. Paul took it upon himself to give this unknown god an identity, and discovered hungry people ready to meet a Saviour.

Not everyone we speak to will accept our message, but some will. We cannot presume that our labour is in vain. We must not believe that the sharing of the gospel is a waste of time. The gospel is powerful and Holy Spirit is always near to help us.

I remember one time having spoken to a particular person about my faith, and he just wasn’t interested. He wasn’t rude, but he was clear that my message was unwelcome. At a much later date, I learned he was in the hospital, and the next day while driving down the road, the Lord spoke very clearly to me to visit him, and to do it that very day! Nancy was with me, and it was our anniversary. We had made plans for the day, and while it was possible to rearrange things, it was a little inconvenient. I spoke to Nancy right away (in the car) and told her what I believed the Lord was saying, and that tomorrow was not an option–it would be too late.  That is what I believed I had heard from the Lord.

Nancy graciously advised me to do as I felt led. I visited the gentleman in the hospital, and he welcomed me. We spoke of the Lord and the plan of salvation, and he accepted Jesus Christ as his own personal Saviour. I was overjoyed at the turnaround in his position. The next afternoon I learned that he had passed away at 6:00 am, just a few hours after discovering the joy of sins forgiven.

My friend’s change in health presented a new and different opportunity.

Opportunities are all around us. Ask Holy Spirit to help you see and take advantage of the ones that are around you.