March 05, 2014–Arise and shine!

arise and shineArise, Jerusalem! Let your light shine for all to see.  For the glory of the Lord rises to shine on you. Darkness as black as night covers all the nations of the earth, but the glory of the Lord rises and appears over you.  All nations will come to your light;     mighty kings will come to see your radiance.” (Isaiah 60:1-3)

I am sensing urgency in this hour.  I believe that God is about to move in glory across the nation of Canada.  I feel that He will open the eyes of the blind and heal the ears of the deaf.  He is going to make the lame walk and the oppressed will be set free. All of this is for His glory.

No man can hope to share in the glory of God. While the Word does say that the righteous shall be known in the earth (this is the blessing of Abraham), it won’t be for their own glory or the glory of their churches that they will be known, but for the glory of God.  When He shines they will shine.  They will be like rarefied jewels under the glory of His brilliant presence.

It is easy to think that a jewel has value in itself, but a stone such as a diamond is beautiful, not in and of itself, but because of the way the light interacts with it.  We like to put such stones underneath the sun to see them sparkle and glow in their natural glory.

The righteousness of Christ shines in those who allow Him to touch their lives.  They become the fragrance and brilliance of His righteousness for the world to see.  This righteousness is not their own, but a gift that comes from God.  They get to share in His Glory as He shines inside of them.

There are many people that come into my meetings: the hungry, the curious, the distracters and some who have no idea how they got there at all.  When the glory of God begins to move, sometimes people get up and walk out of the meeting.  In one recent meeting with 40 people, 10 walked out as the meeting progressed.

I was in another place recently where there were a number of demon-possessed people.  When the glory came down, they started getting antsy.  A spirit of intimidation rose up in that meeting.  When the evil spirit began to speak calling the glory a lie, I rebuked it and told it to be quiet.  When it persisted, I removed it from the meeting.  Afterwards healings began to break out.  One lady who had a migraine headache for three weeks was healed.

There was a young man in another meeting around the same time who saw glory dust upon his hands and his hat. You could see the Holy Spirit at work inside of him.  He was being touched and impregnated with faith.  As his heart was touched with joy and faith, his mouth began to proclaim praises to God.

We cannot allow intimidation to hold us down.  We must continue to seek the Lord.  We must become a habitation for His glory.  Only then will we see the move of Christ that we have been longing for in the earth.

I was in a meeting with one of my colleagues recently when the glory showed up and he saw it.  That Sunday he went to church for the first time in a long time.  He is still filled with joy today.

The devil, if he could, would stop these manifestations of glory completely. But I continue to press forward for greater manifestation, because I know that this will not only change individual lives, but entire nations.

So rise up, dear DWOD friend, and begin to press into the glory realm. Then watch as salvation flows into the lives of those you love.