May 20, 2014–His Yoke Is Easy

Darren Canning May 2014Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. (Matthew 11:29)

There have been times that I have felt the humility of God in my life.  It is like a fresh summer rain when it comes upon me.  I know this humility is not me, but it comes upon me like a gift so that I can feel the gentleness of God.

You see there is no one like our God who is able to give such purity and wonder to His people.  He lifts the heaviest burdens off of our shoulders like they are nothing.  Burdens that I have carried all my life roll away when God speaks to them.

The yoke of the Lord is to carry out His will.  When we step into His will for our lives, we come into a place of great peace.  Even when what God says seems impossible, as I step into what he commands, it is like a refreshing breeze enters into my spirit.

There have been times that the Lord has had to be stern with me and speak to me about my actions and behaviour.  He will come and tell me to do certain things which seem overwhelming, but as I step into them I have found that two things occur. 

First God makes a way where there seems to be no way and secondly He heals my emotions so that I can handle the new assignment.

Before every new assignment, God comes and reveals my heart to me.  Sometimes there are lies that I have been in agreement with, or there are areas where I need to repent or forgive.  As I do these things, He enables me to walk into a greater and more open space for my life.

Recently the Lord wanted to align me to some new people to help grow my ministry, but just before He did He showed me in a dream that I did not feel worthy to walk with these people.  When I was young, the enemy came to me and told me that I was a low class person who could never fit into the upper ranks or classes.

This lie has stopped me from getting promoted over and over in my life.  I didn’t realize that I believed this either, but when God revealed it to me in a dream, I was quick to repent for coming into agreement with the lie and asked him to forgive me.  The very next day two senior leaders approached me to work with them.

What we need to understand is that there are many things that keep us from God’s perfect plan for our lives.  When we trust Him and do what He says, which from my experience is very easy, then the way is broken open before us.

Often fear will keep us from the breakthrough.  We may not trust God with our future.  We may think He doesn’t have good things in store for us, but I have come to understand that God only has good for me and so I give Him permission to always correct me as soon as I need correction. I believe that because of this I have advanced quickly in the Kingdom.

Moreover, the new peace that rises upon me when I do as God says, is reward enough for doing what He says.  The peace of God is like an addiction in my life that I don’t want to be healed from.  As soon as God reveals a need for healing I get excited because I know it comes with greater blessing and more peace.

His yoke is easy and His burden is light.