May 26, 2014–Does Your Conscience Condemn You?

Darren WoodvaleThis is how we know that we belong to the truth and how we set our hearts at rest in his presence: If our hearts condemn us, we know that God is greater than our hearts, and he knows everything. Dear friends, if our hearts do not condemn us, we have confidence before God and receive from him anything we ask, because we keep his commands and do what pleases him. (I John 3:19-22)

This is a very important test in Christ that I have used many times over and over.   We must be conscious of our emotional states.  When we are outside of God’s best, then all kinds of turmoil comes upon us.  This to me is a sign that I need to hear from the Lord.  If my conscience condemns me, then I cannot rest until peace returns to my heart.

When I sin, I can feel the weight of it.  Sometimes you might even deal with shame or guilt.  When your conscience is not clean, it is a sign that you have to seek the Lord for forgiveness and maybe even deliverance.

If the sin that you are bound by is so oppressive that you are not able to escape it, then this likely is a sign that you need to be delivered from that sin.  Sin that binds this way is often rooted in a deep wound or inner lie that is reinforced by demonic oppression.

To get freedom we must always turn to the finished work of Christ on the cross.  There is no other freedom known to man than Jesus.  As I repent of my sin, I am set free.

When I seek the Lord, He will often bring me back to the root where the sin took hold of me in order to deal spiritually with it.  Some of the sins that bind us are generational in nature, but there is generally a moment in our own lives when we come into agreement with that sin.

These moments of agreement are like contracts with the enemy.  It gives the devil a legal right to haunt you throughout your life.  These are like open doors where the enemy will steal, kill or destroy your life.  We need Jesus to come and apply the blood above these doors so that the devourer no longer has a right to come in.

When such a door is revealed in my life, I ask God to show me what to do.  Recently he showed me that I had come into agreement with a lie that said, “I was from the lowest class and would never fit into the upper ranks.”  The enemy spoke this lie over my life when I was young – around 5.  It had room to grow there because generationally family had believed this over their lives.  For my entire life I spoke this lie over myself which empowered the enemy to stop me from rising into the place that God had ordained for me.

When I repented for coming into agreement with this lie, the power it had was broken from my life and I was delivered from the voice of my enemy.  No longer can He speak this over me, because I have repented for it.  He now knows that it doesn’t have power over me.  The Lord has set me free and therefore I am free indeed.

Once I have repented, the Lord is able to bless my life in a new way and my conscience becomes cleaner.  These lies no longer have power over me and I live in greater peace.  This peace is a sign of my deliverance. 

I believe this is one of the major keys to a blessed life.  As you learn to do this more and more, you will soon realize the power of doing it.  If I were you, I would pray to God today and ask Him to show you the lies that you have come into agreement with.  When He reveals them, repent and see your freedom come.