Feb. 03, 2014–Exposing Hidden Lies

liesDo not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is–his good, pleasing and perfect will. (Romans 12:2)


There are lies that we tell ourselves and masks that we hide behind that give power to our hidden motivations.  We tell stories that seem to be true, but truth invariably is absent. And every time we tell these stories, we feel the hidden weight of them even as we try to convince those listening and ourselves the untruth.  In the absent stare between us, the true motivation is felt but unsaid.


It is these unsaid motivations that often guide our behaviors.  When hidden lies motivate us, they can become toxic wastelands that defile us.  Most of the time we are not even aware that we are being guided by them.  The truth of the lie is so formed inside of us that we simply believe it is true without questioning it.


We must allow God to unravel the secret lies that motivate our hearts.  Some of these lies are more cunning than others.  Some of them seem like biblical truth, but when we look deep enough we soon realize the toxicity of that thought.


Society repeats lies all of the time.  Have you ever heard, No pain, no gain?  It almost seems biblical in its proportions.  We have all seen TV commercials for running shoes or sports gear where an athlete is burning up as they run down the road–the suggestion being no pain, no gain.  And the further suggestion being that to be like them, you must buy the same shoes or gear they are wearing.


There is no peace in such a mantra or image.  When you swallow it, you begin to live by it.  You will find yourself trying to hurt your body all of the time in order to attain that hidden image of the athlete that you are matter-of-factly worshipping.


We need to pray and ask God to expose the secret lies of our hearts.  And once illumination comes, we must repent for believing the lies.  Then we must ask God to show us the truth from His word.  Once the hidden lie is removed and we come into agreement with truth, then peace is sure to follow.


Generally, for me, theologically, this is what is meant by the renewing of the mind.  Each day we should be aware that God is bringing us from darkness to light.  Each day God will expose a lie, a fear or some hidden motivation that He wants to remove from us so that there is more room for His thoughts for our lives.  His thoughts produce life, liberty, peace, joy and love.


The key is to allow Him to expose our hidden motivations to the light and not hold back when He challenges us.  I pray that you will have the courage to face the hidden lies so that you will become stronger in Christ.  I pray that God will quickly move you from where you are today into a greater pasture.  Get ready!  I believe that you are reading this because God is about to do a new thing in your life.


Feb. 02, 2014–Release Results in Increase

sowing in tearsThose who go out weeping, carrying seed to sow, will return with songs of joy, carrying sheaves with them. (Psalm 126:6)


Rejoicing during the harvest is to be expected, but the sight of farmers weeping as they are seeding is not likely one that we would witness in this part of the world.


To fully appreciate this contrast, we need to understand the reality of farm life in ancient times. Whenever grain was harvested, the farmer had to set aside a portion of the yield as seed for the next crop that would be planted soon thereafter. The family would have to live on the rest of the harvested grain until the next harvest came along.


When the yield was normal and all weather conditions optimal, this would happen without a glitch. However, if the yield was smaller than anticipated and there was a touch of drought, then the farmer would face the prospect of not having enough grain to feed the family until the next harvest.


The only grain that would still be available is the portion that had been set aside as seed for the next crop. When the farmer chose to plant that seed in the ground, he was taking a huge risk. Should the rains not come on time, should there be an infestation of locusts or some other unexpected hindrance to producing a decent harvest, then all the seed would have been planted for naught. There would be no grain to feed the family.


Herein lay the farmers dilemma: If you did not plant the seed and used it to feed the family instead, you would have no harvest. If you planted the seed and had nothing to show for it, once again the family would go hungry.


Now, can you appreciate why weeping accompanied seeding? The farmer was releasing what couldve been the means to sustain their livelihood. The risk was great, but then again, so was the reward.


Without releasing the seed, there was no hope of an increase. In order to experience an increase, the seed had to be released.


This is a principle that you need to understand and put into action repeatedly on the road to your destiny. You cannot hold on to what you have and expect to experience an increase.


You may have some money to invest. For that money to increase in value, you need to release it from the prison of a savings account into an income-producing vehicle, amen? Whether it is a mutual fund, real estate, commodities, precious metalswithout the release, there is no increase!


You have the seed of the gospel in you. But it does no good for the kingdom should you keep it to yourself. It is only when you take the risk of rejection and release it that you have the opportunity to see an increase of souls coming into the Kingdom.


Dear DWOD friend, what do you have in you right now that needs to be released? Is it a product you have been developing? Go ahead, take the risk. Release it into the marketplace.

Is it a talent that you have been hiding under a bushel? Go ahead, expose it to the rest of the world.

Is it a book that you have outlined, but not yet completed? Yes, there is a chance that on one would want it. But, it also has the potential to be a huge blessing to many more. Just release it.

Get the idea?


When you do it, even if you have to fight back tears in the process, it will be worth it. For when you release it, you have unleashed the potential to increase it.