Feb. 18, 2014–The Wind Behind Your Tail

IMG_0928Ever since we took ownership of the Buick Allure (along with the Royal Bank of Canada), I have been monitoring its performance on many fronts. For example, we noticed an unusual noise at the back, took it to the dealership and arranged for it to be fixed.

The one indicator that I have been watching like a hawk is the fuel efficiency. For a car of its size, it actually has a very good rating. But these figures are based on observing the speed limit in the warmer climes of California on a calm day when the air temperature is ideal and the wind optimal…or something to that effect. Naturally one could not transpose the same numbers to the rugged terrain of Canada especially in the middle of a harsh cold winter.

Add to this the fact that driving at the speed limit is virtually impossible when one’s right foot is loaded with the biological equivalent of lead J Thus, I had resigned myself to the fact that I could never expect this five year-old vehicle to operate at the advertised efficiency.

Imagine my surprise then, when the built-in gauge was suggesting that the actual fuel efficiency exceeded the posted figures on occasion. After repeated empirical verification that ruled out instrument malfunction, I had to come to terms with the fact that we were actually saving more money on gas than anticipated…praise the Lord!

As I tried to ascertain the reason for these occasional spurts in efficiency, I noticed that every time it happened there was one common factor. You incredibly smart DWOD subscribers have probably figured this out already, but let me state it for the record:

I was driving with the wind behind me.

Flashback. Flights that arrived ahead of schedule because of a tail wind. And, vice versa, those that were past the ETA because of a head wind.

The Lord used this discovery to teach me something significant that might be of benefit to you as well.

You know how Holy Spirit is described as the wind repeatedly in the Bible? Here are a couple of examples to jog your memory:

“The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear the sound of it, but cannot tell where it comes from and where it goes. So is everyone who is born of the Spirit.” (John 3:8)

When the Day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all with one accord[a] in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting.(Acts 2:1-2)

We often associate Holy Spirit with the mighty rushing wind…or at the other extreme a gentle cool zephyr on a hot summer day. Or as the spiritual interpretation of the song “Wind beneath my wings” suggests, He can keep us afloat and even soaring.

All are valid. All have application in our lives. I have personally experienced Him in all these many forms.

But this time, Holy Spirit reminded me how when He is behind me, it increases the efficiency of all that I do in Jesus’ name. I do not have to work hard to make it happen when His power is backing me up!

Dear DWOD friend, this is one of the keys to accelerating into your destiny. Holy Spirit gets you moving faster, with less expenditure of energy and greater efficiency than ever before.

I pray that you too will discover the value of Holy Spirit being the wind behind your tail.