Feb. 10, 2014–Like the Morning Sun

morning sunThe path of the righteous is like the morning sun, shining ever brighter till the full light of day. (Proverbs 4:18)

I was attending Bible College in the early 1990’s when I was challenged by a story someone told me of Billy Graham who reportedly read one chapter of Proverbs every day. They further challenged me to do the same thing for one year, and so I did.

Proverbs 4:18 entered my heart in those days. I have always been fascinated with the sunrise. I remember as a teenager in one of my science classes, for one of our reports the teacher asked us to get up early to describe the sunrise.  I don’t know if I ever submitted that report, but I do remember falling in love with God’s creation at dawn in that moment.  It was the first sunrise I had really considered.

Just this morning I was up early to go to work.  I went to the gas station to fill up my tank before my 50 kilometer drive downtown.  As I started to pump gas, I glanced up and noticed the sun just piercing the sky in the distance.  In the two short minutes that it took to fill my tank, I watched the sun break the sky and become full circle on the horizon.

This scripture in proverbs came to my mind in that moment.  The word has a way of coming to the surface of our experience when it is planted firmly in our hearts through reading and meditation.

As I have meditated on this scripture in times past I would often think of the breaking of dawn as something negative–as in, my life will be more brilliant come the full light of day, but for now I will have to settle at my light being dimmer. 

But as I watched the sun rise this time I looked and saw how much light was in the sky.  There was enough to see everything for miles around. The darkness was indeed gone in the coming of the morning light and while the light would increase as the day moved ahead, the morning sun had succeeded in pushing back the darkness.

Even when we are new in Christ, our light shines brightly.  Anyone who has watched a rising sun knows the brilliance of that moment–how you have to squint and look away quickly in order to enjoy the break of dawn. You cannot continue to look into it because there would be too much light and pain for your eyes. You glance and then you glance away in order to glance again. You cannot miss the sun rising in that moment.  It is there in all its glory.

I just want to encourage you today. Perhaps you feel brand new or perhaps you feel like you lack maturity in Christ.  Just know that if you are in Him and He is in you, then His brilliance is in your life. No matter how imperfect you might be, whenever someone in darkness sees you, they squint at the brilliance of your rising life.

Feb. 09, 2014–Healing by Revealing

IMG_0942Is anyone among you sick? Let them call the elders of the church to pray over them and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise them up. If they have sinned, they will be forgiven. Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. (James 5:14-16)

As I shared in yesterday’s DWOD, the contact between a blast of steam and my skin left behind a blister that needed medical attention.

The doctor at the walk-in clinic had instructed me to disinfect the wound every day, coat it with the antibiotic ointment Flamazine, then cover it up with sterile gauze and apply some tape to prevent it from sliding down.

This I did dutifully for a week. It was still hurting at times, though. Also I noticed a yellow layer developing on one part of the wound.

Concerned about the pain and what appeared to be pus, I went back to the same clinic to make sure that it was actually healing.

The doctor who examined me this time took care of those concerns in a jiffy. He assured me that the healing process was indeed well under way. Then he asked how I was taking care of the wound. When I shared the exact same information I divulged in the second paragraph of this post, he proposed some changes.

“Stop covering it up from now on,” he advised. “Let the wound get some air. Apply the ointment twice a day instead of once. In a while that yellow layer will be gone and only a scar will remain.”

I could hardly believe the change when I started following his advice. The pain was gone, the raw redness of the wound started changing to a more pleasing pink and the yellow layer did indeed begin to fall off.

You see, when the wound was still fresh, it needed to be covered for a while to prevent further infection. But, after a time, the healing process was actually being hindered when it remained hidden underneath the gauze. Exposing the wound actually accelerated the healing.

The first portion of the Scripture at the top of this post is often quoted when we pray for healing as a group for someone and anoint them with oil. The latter portion that says: “confess your sins to one another” does not get the same press, does it?

Yet, healing is only promised when we confess and “pray for each other”. Confession precedes intercession.

We see the necessity of such confession to bring about physical healing quite often in prayer ministry. I cannot count the number of times when someone confesses their need to forgive an offender and almost immediately notices pain leaving their body.

Sulojana and I and a host of others have experienced healing of the heart (emotional wounds, spirit/soul hurts) by taking the time to sit down with two or three prayer ministers trained in Sozo and/or Restoring The Foundations or a similar ministry. When we confess our sins, freedom and healing follow, sometimes instantaneously. It is truly incredible!

Dear DWOD friend, don’t kid yourself by saying you don’t need this kind of ministry, because you have already confessed your sins to God. If confessing our sins to one another was not significant for our healing, God would not have included that in the Bible, amen? Keeping such wounds covered will only hinder you from advancing into your destiny.

Just as it was with me, there is a time to keep the raw wound under wraps initially. But then there comes a time to remove the gauze and expose the wound–sooner than later, we hope. You too will realize how true it is that God brings about healing when you start revealing your woundedness to another.

If you have already experienced this, would you please share your story with the rest of your DWOD family in the comments section below this post? If you have not and would like to know how to go about doing this, please contact me at jeeva@destinywordoftheday.com and I will find someone who can help.